Our goal throughout this relationship has been to have a purposeful season of dating within a community of friends that would hold us accountable and encourage us to uphold values that please God. We are now super excited to take our next step as a couple by committing ourselves to each other through marriage, alongside cherished loved ones who have played pivotal roles in shaping our journey thus far and will continue to influence our future. Our hope is for an evening filled with joy, laughter, and celebration as we come together to eat, dance, and revel in this special occasion.
In July of 2022, Casey moved out to CA from NY and stumbled upon Hope Chapel, the church that Cally had been a part of for her whole life. After attending the 9am service a for a few weeks, they happened to sit in the same row, and were able to meet. Casey was immediately captivated by Cally’s beauty, but knew that he wasn’t ready to jump right into a relationship. And Cally saw that Casey was handsome, but thought that he would be a better fit for…another lady. She enjoys match-making, so she was going to store him in her back pocket and keep her eyes peeled for a godly girl he might be good with. The a few weeks later, they both joined Hope 101, a class offered at the church. Casey also joined the ministry that Cally had been serving in for several years, High School Youth Group. Being in the class, doing ministry together, and hanging out in group settings on the weekends with mutual friends… Cally quickly began to realize that she couldn’t think of any girl she’d want to set up with Casey, because she wanted him for HERSELF! She liked him for a couple months, and had a difficult time trying to discern if he liked her too, or was just being nice…? One night in December, they were hanging out with a group of friends. After Cally left, a friend bluntly asked Casey, “When are you gonna stop breaking Cally’s heart and ask her out already?” Surprised, Casey was also starting to feel the same way, but hadn’t been able to determine if she liked him back, or was just a friendly girl. He had one final hesitation though, would she be willing to move? She had just purchased a house with her brother here, and he had plans to move out of CA one day. He disclosed this fact to our friends. The following week at another hangout with friends, another friend sneakily asked Cally, in front of Casey, where she’d want to live in the future. Completely oblivious to the reason of the question, she simply replied. “Wherever my future husband wants to live.” And that’s all Casey needed to hear. He asked her out a couple days later after the Sunday church service. She was shocked! “NO WAY! You LIKE me?!” She blurted out. We went on our 1st date later that day, and dove right into all things deep: our pasts, and our dreams for the future. And we saw that we were compatible, so we kept dating… And the rest is history. :) God is so good.