June 4, 2022

Casandra & Christopher

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Casandra Gibson and Christopher Yost
Meet all the poor suckers we've asked to be in the wedding!

Kristie Scafidi

Maid of Honor

My biggest sister, supporter, and idol!

Shannon Yost

Best Man

My best friend. She's been there for me since day one, even if she really wanted a little sister but got me instead.

Mindy Clemons


From her getting drunk in the garage, to me being in her wedding, then to me getting drunk in Charleston, to her being in my wedding. And there is a lifetime of memories in between there.

Matt Yost


Matt made a homemade Harry Potter film when he was 11 and I was 5, and he made me be every single villain. So, I thought making him be in my wedding was the best revenge.

Bre Booton


My therapist, my best friend. Without her, I'd be a wreck.

Gatsby Rider


In 2011, Gatsby came up to me on the school bus and asked if I wanted to come to his house and watch CNN. And thus began a beautiful friendship.

Kayla Lusk


My beautiful love that no matter how long we go without talking, I know she'll reply to my text...eventually.

John Mark Shaver


John Mark was best friends with my brother and dated my sister, so I thought having him in my wedding party would be a nice reunion for them.

For all the days along the way
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