January 21, 2023
Ochi, Jamaica

Carrington & Andrew



Destination weddings naturally bring about many questions; we hope this page helps answer some of them! We understand that a destination wedding is a lot to ask, and we are so thankful you are coming! We have chosen an all-inclusive resort to help give our guests an accurate idea of how much this trip will cost. We also created a group contract to ensure our guests are receiving the lowest price possible during their stay. The group contract payment occurs in 3 large installments- 10% up front, 35% ninety days out from the wedding, and 55% forty five days out from the wedding. The resort requires one point of contact to handle all transactions. Due to this payment plan, we ask that our guests Venmo us directly for the cost of their room to fulfill the room block contract, which is a minimum of 3 nights. Please let us know if you have any additional questions about the group contract, rooms, travel, or payment!

How do I pay/reserve my room from the room block?


Please contact Andrew or Carrington directly to reserve your room. Payments can be made to us directly through Venmo. After payment is received, your contact information will be listed with the resort and your room will be officially reserved.


Can I go online and reserve my room directly through the Sansdals website?


No, please do not. We have payed a deposit on a room block of 25 rooms for our guests to ensure they are receiving the best price possible. If a room is reserved outside of the room block, we will be paying for an empty room that has already been reserved.


Can I bundle my airfare and hotel through an outside third party (i.e. Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz, etc.)


If you ARE NOT staying through the Sandals resort, yes. If you ARE staying through the Sandals resort, no. Again, we need our guests to reserve their room through us directly for a room that has already been reserved with our room block. Please note that airfare is not included.


When do I need to Venmo Carrington or Andrew for the cost of the room?


Please Venmo either Carrington or Andrew by October 21st to reserve your room through the room block. We need to receive payment by the second installment deadline, which is 90 days out from the wedding. Our wedding date is January 21st, 2023, and 90 days prior to that would be October 21st, 2022.


I want to upgrade my room and/or extend my stay. How do I go about doing that?


If you would like to upgrade your room and/or extend your stay, please text or email Carrington or Andrew directly. Due to the nature of the group contract, we have to be the sole point of contact to initiate any changes regarding upgrades and extensions. Please review the Sandal's Ochi website (located under the "Travel" tab) to explore the various rooms offered, as well as the additional number of nights you would like to stay. Once you have that information, please send us an email that we can forward to our group contract representative who will then generate a new quote specifically for you based on the number of nights and type of room you are interested in. All of the quotes generated will reflect the discounts applied with our room block package, so you can rest assured that the quote received is the best possible rate available.


What is the cost breakdown?


The stay for our wedding is 4 days and 3 nights at the Sandals resort. There are two room types offered- single occupancy and double occupancy. A double occupancy room is a room designed for two people in one king-sized bed, which is the majority of the rooms at the Sandals resort. A single occupancy room is one designed for one individual with one king-sized bed. Since the resort is all-inclusive, each individual MUST be accounted for who is staying at the resort. Unfortunately, we cannot be sneaky like how we were in college and fit 73 people in one room. All guests will receive access cards and wrist bands upon checking in, which is how the resort accounts for their guests. The total cost for a double occupancy room is $1,911, which breaks down to $637 a night. The cost per person for a double occupancy room ($1,911 / 2) is $955.5, which breaks down into $318.5 per night per person. The total cost for a single occupancy room is $1,725, which breaks down to $575 per person per night.


I am thinking about bringing my children. Is that an option?


Yes; bringing your children with you is absolutely an option. However, since Sandals is an adults-only resort, individuals who bring their children will need to stay at the Sandals sister resort, Beaches, that is family friendly. The Beaches resort is about 15 minutes from the Sandals resort, and they are both located in Ochi. Individuals who stay at the Beaches resort will not be subject to the $150 fee to attend the wedding on Saturday, January 21st. There is typically access to go back and forth between the two resorts; however, since COVID, they have temporarily suspended that option. We can continue to monitor whether traveling between the two resorts changes as we near the wedding date. We have the cost breakdown for the Beaches resort as well. Naturally, this resort has additional options for the room type- such as single, double, triple, and quad rooms. Please let us know if you would like the additional information for the Beaches resort!


Do I have to stay at the same resort as Carrington and Andrew?


Not at all. All our guests are free to stay wherever they are most comfortable. We chose the all-inclusive resort option to help our guests know how much they can anticipate spending on the trip. We also realize that the Sandals resort may be too expensive for some people. There are plenty of additional resorts/hotels to explore in the surrounding Ochi area if you would like. We want everyone to feel as comfortable and at ease as possible! Please note that on the day of the wedding, Sandals charges a $150 (per adult) and $50 (per child) fee for non-sandals guests to attend the wedding ceremony and reception.


My invitation was only addressed to me. Am I allowed to bring a guest?


YES! We encourage you to bring a guest as it will make your overall stay cheaper when reserving a double occupancy room rather than reserving a single occupancy room.

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