If your feeling generous us newly weds could use a few things for our homestead. We like used and new, if there is a tool you own that's good as new mark it as bought on our list.
Items not listed on the registry website but we'd like:
- 10 Blue Berry Bushes
- 5 Black Berry Bushes
- 10 Azaleas Bushes
- 6 Apple Trees
- 3 Butter Fly Bushes
-100 Mason Jars for Canning (cheapest price is Sam's club in a set of 20, or Ollies Bargain Outlet had some)
-6 large 20 inch diameter planting pots (resin or wood)
- Bee Keeping Supplies
**Let me know if you purchase anything above
**Zola did not allow for sites like Sams club, and other smaller websites like ace hardware's to be added to our registry. However, we frequent Sams Club, and Lidl. We are open to items purchased at any store/auction/backyard/or local business' if it means a better price, just be sure to mark it as purchased!