Maid of Honor
My bestest friend since 7th grade. One of the most amazing people I know and the one I can trust my life with. I don’t know what I would do without her! If I wasn’t marrying Ean, she’d be runner up. 💛
Best Man
My Irish TWIN! this guys a nut, gym junky, drama QUEEN!! Win an argument against this guy? I don't think so. I'll tell you one thing, He'll most likely be the first one twerking at the wedding.
She’s the absolute best. An old soul, fashionista, and always has the best hair! One of my most boujee-est friends but always down to go to spuntino to stuff our face ! 💛
Aka Yostr, my God Brother. If I’m ballin you know he’s on my team. You gotta be careful though, if you pass him the rock he might not pass back haha!!
Coolest girl ever! The best mom, super sassy, and down to earth! She’s someone I can always count on and no matter what mess we got ourselves into I knew she could fix anything! 💛
My dawg Steve! This guy right here will bring out my competitive side. From 2K to the actual ball court, we've been going at it for years. What's the record now? I think I'm up. Never met someone so down to pick up new talents/skills no matter what the trade. Skills unmatched.
The most genuine person ever, the only reason I made it through nursing school & the best person to take to shopping because she reminds me that I need and deserve everything in Marshalls! 💕
Arielito… “the baby” Coolest kid on the block. Smartest of the smart with him. Need I mention the talent in video games?! I can never beat this guy in Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter.
Best sister in law ever ! She’s literally a baby whisperer which will come in handy in a few years. Great artist and always has the best lashes !
Mr. Rock yo hips... This guys is the life of the party. scratch that, he is the party. He has the biggest heart and will do anything for the ones he loves. Meet my beer pong partner since 2011, Rocky.
Such a beautiful person inside and out! She’s the little sister I never had, so proud of the woman she is today ! Always down to party, has the best tattoos and funniest person I know ! 💕
Zak-Attack. This is the only way the name Zak should be spelled. My roommate since we were little. The fastest of us all, the only one that could ever get that cartwheel to land. SHEESH, I was jealous for years !! He's probably going to be the only sibling to never put on weight (lol).
Most Spontaneous person I know! My Miami mami and travel buddy for life. I met her at a burger place I used to work at and thought she was so weird ! 💕
AKA BANDIDO. If we're talking then we're talking money moves. The cool thing about this dude right here, if he has his mind set on something he'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Motivation at its finest. Def the newest one on this wall, but it feels like we been boys for the longest.
This girl is here is one of a kind. She’s the peacemaker of the group, always making sure everyone is happy. Also one of the wildest , the only girl that I know that could party til 9am, the girl always down to take shots. She’s one of the best people I know and so grateful to have her as a friend 💛
The oldest Brother, actually the BIG Brother ... Josh lived up to that title too. He definitely held it down our entire child hood, had our back for everything! It's hard to admit but he was the strongest one growing up but what can I say, he was.
Flower Girl
My niece also known as pinina because she’s my exact twin. She’s a total sour patch, one minute she’s super mean and the next the sweetest little girl. *Fingers crossed, I hope she goes through with her job as the flower girl cause we don’t know what mood she’ll be in. Shes soo sassy and such a little firecracker. My little bestie 💕
Ring Bearer
My neffies ! My Scorpio baby, my first love, the one who made me a Titi! The one that’s always down to do a tik tok, always down to go to the park. Has the best laugh, the best conversations, and the best big brother !
Flower Girl
Super energetic and most beautiful eyes ! When you see her just know Jayden is right behind her, these two have the cutest bond. 💕
Ring Bearer
My little cousin, the cutest little boy ever. He’s so loving and such a gentleman. Always opening the door for all the ladies, has the best smile!
Ring Bearer
My beautiful godson, the smartest baby. Literally learned to kick a soccer ball before he can walk. Calmest/happiest baby, never cries and he’s always so happy to see me !