Matron of Honor
My big sister, one of my first best friends. You’ve always been a role model to me, and I’m so lucky to have you sissy!
Matron of Honor
The BEST mom to my adorable nephews! My second best friend (sister) !! I learn from you everyday that goes by, blessed to have you, love you G!
The 3rd sister I never thought I needed!! The best sister-in-law!
The sister I was SUPPOSED to have! My Pookie, I always knew I would have you by my side on my special day, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Love you long time!
My twin!!! You’re my first true best friend!! 25+ years of friendship, and MANY more to go! Love you !
Jep! The sweetest, most genuine friend I have. You’re my partner in crime, and I’m happy to see you stand by my side. Love you!
Jennny!! Our love/hate friendship for years, turned into ALL love! We’ve been through it all, love doing this thing called life with you! Love you forever !!
Junior Bridesmaid
Juju bean! The one who made me an aunt!! I love you more than I could ever put into words! You’re my bestie, stay beautiful and humble forever. Love you to the moon!
Junior Bridesmaid
Lee lee girl! My gorgeous, sassy, smart goddaughter!! You give me the best hugs, and kiss me under the mistletoe. I hope you stay young and thoughtful forever. Love you always!
Flower Girl
My soon to be niece! You’re the sweetest, silliest, little girl! Thank you for always making me smile. I love you!
Flower Girl
The character of the family! Elena, you are a pip! You make us laugh, and keep us on our toes!! Thank you for always asking “where’s aunt carmen”, you’re the best! Love you silly!
Ring Bearer
My colty boy! Such a sweet little flirt! You’re the bull to my China shop.. I love you blue eyed boy!
Ring Bearer
The most handsome devil, future heartbreaker, and future jock! It doesn’t get any cuter, and more importantly sweeter, than you my boy! I love you !
Best Man
Best Man