It all started in Juniors High 7th grade 📚he notice me sitting in the lunch room with my friends he said he had to have that girl. One of my friends came to me one day and said hey Jamarcus want talk to you so I said who is that.. So she proceeded to show me who he was so I look I said oh yea he’s cute 🥰 😂lol…He was so crazy about me didn’t even want nobody to talk to me…We continue to move on to the 8th and 9th grade we started to grow apart and started to talking to other people😞I still stayed in touch with him some kind of way. So all throughout high school we still communicate but our love we had wasn’t the same as it was in Junior High but as we got older left school we lost contact with each other. Then one day I was leaving out my apartment I saw Jamarcus walking pass my car I 👀he 👀 some how he found me on Facebook he inbox me and we started back talking it’s like we pick up where we left off 🫶🏽🤞🏽And we been together every since (7 years)!!! The best decision we could have made My BFF My Backbone,Lifeline,Husband,Father figure My go to person My Hero ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Always🥰🥰🥰