Due to Carly's health issues, she is very immunocompromised, and therefore we take her safety and health very seriously. All guests are expected to take a covid test on our wedding day itself. You will be required to bring the actual negative test result with you to the ceremony to enjoy our evening together. If you are not feeling well or have a positive test result, we kindly ask that you celebrate from afar. We thank you so for your understanding, and we are excited to celebrate safely together! Best, Carly and Aleks
If your invitation envelope states your name followed by "and Guest," then yes, you may bring someone as your plus one. If it does not, we kindly ask that it just be you in attendance.
Although we love your kids, we have decided to make our big day an adults only event.
For the ceremony we ask you to join us in being fully present by putting away all phones. After the ceremony please take as many pictures and videos as you like and tag us with the hashtag #AleksGetsHisDreamCar
Men can expect to wear suits and ties. Women can wear gowns or formal attire.