The Hampton Inn is 4.8 mi from The Rushmore Estate. There will be a shuttle service to and from the wedding. If you would like to call to book your reservation, please say you are with the: "Sottile - Scarpati Wedding."
Discount Code - WSS
The Sleep Inn & Suites is 5.0 miles away from The Rushmore Estate. There will be a shuttle service to and from the wedding. You may call the hotel directly and mention the: "Sottile & Scarpati Wedding," or you can book online directly through the personalized the link.
House Or Rental
We did some searching, and there are a few AIRBNB's close to the Rushmore Estate (i.e. In Woodbury). if you would prefer to stay in a home that is closer distance to The Rushmore, this may be a perfect option for you.