November 7, 2020
Argyle, Tx

Callie & Joel

    Streaming Details

We're going VIRTUAL! Due to state and CDC recommendations, we are having a small ceremony with family. But we are streaming it for our loved ones.

Joel Justice


Callie Anderson




November 7


Our First Date

First comes football then comes dates.

Our first date was on a Saturday in September. Joel and I can sum up every Saturday in the fall with 2 words, "Game Day". Neither of us were willing to miss out on watching our favorite team for a silly first date so we decided to go to a place where we could watch multiple games all at once. We met in time for the Tech game at BoomerJacks. Things were going well, the Raiders even won! We decided to go to TopGolf where he could look like a stud and I could make a fool of myself with a 9 iron. There was a long wait. We grabbed some snacks and watched the OU (yuck) game while we waited for our bay to become available. While we were waiting, the heat and the first date jitters started working against me. I started to feel really nauseous and it wasn't going away. I tried everything, a cooler seat, pulled the hair back, walked around, ate something gentle, no luck. Since puking isn't exactly romantic, I told Joel I wasn't feeling well and thought it would be best for me to just go home. Totally confused, Joel walked me to my car and hugged me goodbye thinking he would never see me again. I really did feel sick though! On my drive home, I realized that he probably thought something went wrong and I was just bailing. I texted him an apology and told him I had a great time but I really didn't feel well and that we should give it another go when I felt better. After that the ball was obviously in my court to plan the next date. I texted him later that day saying I was feeling better and I was ready for a first date do-over. I didn't feel sick the second time :)

For all the days along the way
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