I feel like for both of us it started as just another day. Kris was visiting his best friend preparing for a huge air show for his apparel company, and Caitlyn worked all day and was heading over to babysit the kids of said best friend above.... clever right?!? I have no idea how we didnt catch on! Kris had left the house, and our friend Isaiah was leaving and told Caitlyn not to be alarmed when his friend comes back. Still clueless at this point. Then Kris walked in the door, and it all clicked for Caitlyn. Flashback to years prior when she got a picture sent to her by her aunt(Meagan) and the previous conversations of meeting Kris that had happened-we had been set up!!! We talked a little that day, became friends on facebook, at the will of Meagan and Isaiah “poked” each other on facebook and finally exchanged numbers. Since that day, I’m not sure there is a day we haven't talked. That day was the beginning to the rest of our lives!
The apartment was coming together. Caitlyn was settling in at her new(ish) job, and Kris still had a hectic work schedule(#pilotlife). The conversations had been there, marriage, babies, a house, but until this day nothing was clear. As our family got home from a long week of school and work, we all started to unwind. Kris was cooking, Hailey playing and Caitlyn watching the loves of her life do just what they were doing. At one point the steaks were cooking perfectly, the smell filled the apartment and Kris stepped away for a moment. When he came back, he pulled Caitlyn into the living room in front of Hailey. He asked her if she liked our apartment. She said yes! He asked Caitlyn if she was happy. Of course the answer was yes! He asked her if she wanted to get a house one day. She answered yes? Questioning why he was asking haha. Then at that moment he got down on one knee and asked the best question! He asked “will you marry me?” Considering you are all reading this I think we know what she said! To top it off Hailey screamed MY MOMMY IS GETTING MARRIED- this day is the day that has forever changed her life!
You probably think you know exactly why we chose the chapel... because its absolutely stunning right?!? Ok, ok I can’t deny you are right but thats not why. Kris let me have the chapel because I wanted it so bad, but let me tell you why. It all starts back when I moved to Florida. I had left a bad situation, and I wasn’t finding a way to cope. I was just going through the motions day after day, but not getting past anything. My aunt began taking me to her church, Harborside christian church, and about the fourth sunday in, Kurt Parker delivered a sermon that kicked my butt in gear. I was slowly changing into the person I knew I always could be and once was years ago. On March 26,2017 Kurt Parker gave another sermon that changed me forever- it was on learning how Jesus will always encounter you in the place you need to grow. He has done just that everyday since that day. I’m not 100% on when they announced the chapel was going to be built, but when they did I saw so much beauty I knew I WANTED to get married there. Since the day Kris and I both stepped into the chapel to see it’s beauty together it was clear- this church saved my life, and I want this church behind my marriage. Kris is the BEST thing to happen to both Hailey and I. Since that day and from now on, I realize I don’t want to get married there; I NEED to get married there. The chapel isn’t a way for me to brag about where I got married, it’s a way for me to show you where we will begin our marriage that is backed by the best people/couples/pastors I have been blessed to be encountered with. To make this story better- the man that delivered those two sermons I mentioned above, Kurt Parker, will be officiating our wedding.