Update: Due to COVID-19, we’ve decided to postpone our wedding. We’ll keep you posted on our new date and when you can RSVP on our site. Wishing you all health and safety, and looking forward to celebrating together!
Update: Due to COVID-19, we’ve decided to postpone our wedding. We’ll keep you posted on our new date and when you can RSVP on our site. Wishing you all health and safety, and looking forward to celebrating together!
November 6, 2020
Glen Mills, PA

Caitlin & Bill

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Scott L

Best Man

Scored 22 tds in HS, Bill blocked for him. Friendship gets tighter with every football season passing. They talk to eachother on the phone more than any two 30 some odd year olds need to. “Drink sodas and stays up all night!”

Kasey M

Matron of Honor

Through thick and thin, and long distances, this lady will never leave the brides side. They can herd a pack a small humans like no other

Joe C


Created the formula to being the best brother in law.

Danielle C


Danielle is a great future sister in law who is always filled with the best advice for any topic! Killer board game teammate to help gang up on and defeat Billy

Matt C


Lived together, ate together, play video games together. Still growing up together

Kristin M


25 long years of a friendship. From reliving first concert experiences to being couch potatoes together, the memories are endless

Ed H


Teaching Billy the ways of the world. Offering great advice that Billy needs to listen to, even though he doesn’t always want to hear it.

Amanda E


The root of how the Billy and Cait saga even started! Even when I thought I didn’t need anymore friends in my life, this lady stepped in and became a life long partner in crime.

Matt F


Met at work, fought at work, became great friends at work.

Jessica C


This girl loves deeply and knows when I need a pep talk and a good hug. The connection we have built through sharing life experiences is undeniably strong. Jessica has the brides back no matter what

Chris Q


Coolest 17 year old on the planet. The brides first brother and best protector...even being 12 years younger! Is the best napper we have ever seen. Great hair

Carson B

Mini Best Man

The best child and bonus child this couple could ever ask for. This little boy is goofy as can be and we can’t wait to share becoming a family with him!

Bailee R

Flower Girl

The little spit fire will sass her way all the way down the aisle with that basket of flowers! Carson has grown up with the pretty little lady and their bond is so strong! She’s got sass but such a big heart

Jordan B


Known since age 4, and gets the honor to marry Bill and Cait. Aaaaright marriage.

Nick C

Ring Bearer

I mean come on! Can he get any cuter?

For all the days along the way
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