
Caithlin & Ryan


Ryan McBride


Caithlin McCormick

July 17, 2024

Carlingford, Ireland

The Proposal

On the morning of 27th of February 2022, they headed to the beautiful Tyrella Beach to blow the cobwebs off after a night in Ian & Carla Reid's famous shed. On the way there, they stopped off at Ryan's parents house to 'get junior a ball' but little did Caithlin know, Ryan was really getting the ring, sneaky ! On the 50 minute journey, all Caithlin did was talk about the possibility of getting married one day, where she would get married and all the little details to which Ryan replied ''will you just bear with me please'' ! Well, that shut her up. They arrived at the beach, the wind was howling, the sand was battering off our face, the dog couldn't see but we powered on through. Ryan ran up to the sand dunes, Caithlin and Junior followed. Within 2 seconds Ryan was down on one knee with the most beautiful rock, asking his best friend to spend the rest of her life with him. Of course, she said YES ! It was perfect, just our little family in our happy place. Caithlin left the happiest girl in the world, and well Ryan .... is still brushing the sand out of his teeth.

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