
Dominique & Cade


We Can't Wait To Marry The Heck Outta Each Other

Cade Vallejo


Dominique Mantelli

San Jose


May 18


How We Met

It was 2020, the time of lockdowns and social distancing

But Dominique had other plans. She wanted to start dating and at that time the only way to date someone was to jump on Hinge, you know the dating app (that's meant to be deleted according to their marketing). Cade looked at the app occasionally and one day he came across Dom's profile and thought 'Wow, I need to swipe right on this beauty!', so he did and they started talking. Not soon after Cade planned a date to get A Jay's Cheesesteaks and take her to Anderson Damn to watch the sunset. Over the next four hours, they talked about everything, mostly Dom talked because as you may know, she's a chatterbox. On their second date, Dom decided to cook homemade pizza for Cade and won him over with her cooking skills and again they proceeded to talk for another 4 hours (obviously Dom talked the most but Cade kept up!) By their third date, Cade was so in love with Dom that he asked her to be boyfriend and girlfriend. They deleted their dating apps and never looked back.

The Proposal

New Years Eve 2022

Cade decided to take Dom for a weekend to San Francisco and to his surprise, it was storming, like a flood warning kind of storming! That didn't stop his plans though. On Friday they checked into a hotel with an incredible city view. On Saturday the rain didn't look like it was stopping. Cade was slightly panicked. By this point, Cade and Dom were preparing to head out for brunch. By the time they were getting into the Uber, the photographer informed Cade that the location was a no-go. As they were getting into the car Cade updated the Uber's destination and the driver asked " Why are you guys going to the Palace of Fine Arts today?" Cade (not good at coming up with a lie on the spot had luckily looked around the map for a reason as to why they were heading there) said "Oh there's a donut shop nearby that we want to check out" (spoiler Dom did not get a donut and mocks him to this day about it). When they went to the location Cade took Dominique into the middle of the palace, got down on one knee, and asked her to marry him. Through all the happy tears she said yes, which is why you are reading this silly story today.

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