Brooklyn and Oliver first met during their sophomore year of high school. Their friendship grew over the years with Oliver teaching Brooklyn how to snowboard and sharing his fishing secrets. After two years of hard work on Oliver’s part he finally won Brooklyn over. They started dating while going to college miles apart. Once Oliver graduated, they began their “adult life” together in North Woodstock. They lived in their small riverside abode for just over 6 years. While living in North Woodstock they spent their time riding in the winter and hiking and fly fishing in the summer and maybe drinking a few beers. Their time in Lincoln was wonderful however, they were craving something more. Brooklyn became a traveling X-ray technologist and Oliver began working in remote sales. This is where their journey of being nomads began. Fishing for salmon in Washington, swimming in the Pacific Ocean to riding the mountains surrounding Salt Lake City. Over the years their lives have changed but Oliver and Brooklyn’s love remains unconditional, and their friendship even stronger. Oliver still does all the driving while Brooklyn picks the playlist ranging from Credence Clearwater, Fleetwood Mac, to The Red Hot Chili Peppers, with Brooklyn singing at the top of her lungs and Oliver loving every minute of it (at least that’s what he lets her think).