March 9, 2024
Provo, UT

Grant & Brooke


You're Invited!

Grant Spears


Brooke Garfield

March 9, 2024

Provo, UT

How We Met

July 4th

It all began with sparks and a bang. Brooke and Grant first met on the Fourth of July after being introduced by a mutual friend. After a night of fireworks and Grant giving an impromptu performance of "Popular" from Wicked, the first sparks began to set. Grant and Brooke's first date took place on a Friday night just a few days later...

1st date

Ice Cream and Wandering

Brooke and Grant met at a local ice cream store in downtown Provo, where they shared ice cream and talked. As the sun began to set, Brooke and Grant began to wander along the streets and began to infiltrate the local mascarade dances and attempt to find rooftop access on hotels in the area. However, they both agree the date was nice but "there wasn't much of a spark"...

Second Date

Love at the Flip of a Coin

Brooke and Grant set up a second date with said mutual friend and his wife. They got food at a local Hawaiian BBQ location and then drove to the Potato Hill Overlook. They proceeded to sit and talk at the overlook as the sun went down. The other couple decided to return home early and Brooke and Grant chose to drive a more scenic route back into town. To entertain themselves during the drive, Grant came up with a game. While driving, they would flip a coin. Heads, they would turn left at their next intersection. Tails, they would turn right. It was during this game, that Brooke and Grant discovered how much they had in common. Interests that simply hadn't come up during the first date suddenly began to appear and this is where the first spark of love began...

The Proposal

(This is Nowhere Near the Second Date Just to Clarify)

Grant was very proud of how the proposal pulled off. The proposal was on a casual Sunday afternoon and was a week earlier than expected. Grant and his sibling Ryan had created a custom texting thread to fool Brooke into believing that the ring was being shipped a week later. While Grant spent the Sunday with Brooke, his friends helped set up the proposal location at the trailhead at Potato Hill Overlook. Just when the sun began to set, Grant pushed Brooke into the car saying, "I found a great spot for a couples photo!". Making the drive into the Overlook parking lot, Brooke and Grant made their way up to the Overlook while Grant carried the ring hidden inside his backpack. As they made their way atop the hill, Brooke discovered a trail of tealight candles, rose petals, flowers, and a "Marry Me" sign all waiting for her. This is where Grant proposed as the sun began to set across the wide Utah Valley.

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For all the days along the way
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