We are getting married. In a cabin. And instead of spending all our money on a ballroom for 6-hours we opted for 3-days of memories in a cabin with those closest to us. Welcome to that group.
PLEASE let us know of any dietary or allergy restrictions you may have. There is a space on the RSVP for this information or reach out to the bride with additional concerns.
You are welcome to stay in Tennessee as long as you want, but we will kick you out of The Cabin around 9 a.m. on Sunday 9/10/2023. Please plan on packing/cleaning your own space and leave time for the bridal group to do the final walkthrough.
For sleep and sit-down meal accomodations it is important we only have the individuals listed on the invitations attend the wedding. While Rory will be in attendance, she wants all the attention on her. Please leave your pets at home to fulfill this wish of hers.
Everyone has been assigned a room and bed. The cabin has multiple rooms with bunkbeds, futons, etc. which we have assigned according to group size, family relation, age needs, etc. When you arrive at the cabin, all doors will have signs with the group(s) staying there.
Formal meals will be provided Friday evening, Saturday morning, and Saturday evening with a cocktail hour mid-day Saturday and snacks for the road on Sunday. There will also be a liquor bar, basic cocktail mixers, and Michelob Ultra provided. Tea, water, and other non-alcoholic options will be available at all times. Please plan on bringing any personal snacks or particular beverages (including wine).