Brock and Lexie both went to school at NAU in Flagstaff, Arizona. Post college, Lexie was managing a local restaurant and Brock (still in college) was in need of a job. Through mutual friends, Brock inquired about an open position and applied to be a busser (humble beginnings) and luckily, Lexie hired him. Little did she know that hiring him would be the greatest return on investment! During their time together at Taverna Greek Grill along with many fun nights out with friends, Brock and Lexie's friendship turned into something more. They began to spend a lot more time together and decided to make their relationship official. After a few months together in person, they endured a year of long distance while Brock was traveling the country for work and Lexie moved back to Oregon. In the Summer of 2020, Brock and Lexie moved into their first apartment together in Portland, OR (yes, the Summer of COVID 2020). They loved their time in Oregon and wouldn't change those experiences for anything! Fast forward two and a half years, they have settled down in Phoenix, AZ (Lexie is still adjusting to the heat) and are looking forward to seeing where this next step in their journey takes them!