We are officially the Kubwa’s! Photos from the wedding have been added to the gallery! We are so grateful and appreciative to everyone that wished us warm wishes, gifted us beautiful gifts, and attended our intimate ceremony. We love you all!
We are officially the Kubwa’s! Photos from the wedding have been added to the gallery! We are so grateful and appreciative to everyone that wished us warm wishes, gifted us beautiful gifts, and attended our intimate ceremony. We love you all!

Jerrode & Brittney

    We are the Lawson's!


Jerrode Lawson


Brittney Butler


March 11, 2023

Marietta, GA

The Story of Us

First comes school, then comes marriage.

They met in what was going to be Brittney (B)'s new dorm room for the 2017 semester. B went to view the dorm she was assigned to for the upcoming semester to get an idea of the layout of the room and how she would like to decorate. Jerrode (J) was currently assigned to B's future room, but wasn't at the room when B came to view it, so she wrote her name and number down on a piece of paper and slid it under the door. J texted B about 20 minutes later to come and view the room. As soon as J opened the door, B thought "Damn, this man is fine", but didn't want to show it in her body language, so she just looked at the room and took a few mental notes. J observed B the entire time, unbeknownst to B. About 10 days later on Valentine's Day, B received a text message from a familiar, but unsaved number wishing her a Happy Valentine's Day. She quickly realized it was J. J asked B out on a date to a local diner on the school's campus. B was so nervous about her hair and clothes that she arrived an hour late to the date. J waited for her patiently like the gentleman he was. The date went well and J walked B back to her current dorm. They sat outside her dorm and talked for a few additional hours about their goals, aspirations, hopes, and dreams. During this conversation, they got to know each other better and bonded over mutual likes and dislikes. This conversation was the beginning of their friendship. J asked B out on a second date, this time to the movie theater. B went to get her hair done again because she was just as nervous for this date as she was for the first date. On her way back from the hair salon to her dorm to get changed, she gets into a car accident and her car flips. J thinks he has been stood up, but can't understand why because there was so much chemistry between the two. Once B returns to her dorm from the hospital, she calls J and tells him what happened. J rushes over to her dorm to check on her and rubs her legs and feet while they sit and talk about the accident. They both feel that this time together is better than a movie date because J was able to be present for B in a moment of vulnerability for the first time and B greatly appreciates this. After dating for 1 day short of a month, J asks B to officially be his girlfriend and B accepts. Their bond continues to grow as boyfriend and girlfriend. Even while the two are working their respective jobs they continue to text and call each other on breaks their entire shifts. In one of the many messages J and B sent to one another, J told B "You aren't going anywhere" insinuating that the two will be together forever. B didn't know if she would be going anywhere or not, but allowed J the space to prove just that. Eventually, the two move off of campus and lease their first apartment together. Shortly thereafter, B goes to the doctor for her annual physical and J accompanies her. B's doctor comes into her room to tell her she is healthy and everything looks great, but there is just one thing that's different than all of her previous visits: B is pregnant. B and J both gasp in shock because they had not planned on having a child so early in their lives, but were determined to make it work. In August of 2018, J and B welcome their first baby girl Nyla (N). She is the light of their lives. Once J and B become parents, working and daily routines become their new norm. Getting married had always been something that J and B aspired to do, but hadn't prioritized over the course of the relationship. At the beginning of 2022, J made a list of goals he was determined to accomplish that year, one of which included proposing to B. On September 29, 2022, J crossed that goal off his list. J and B couldn't be more excited to make their love official and become one union with God. We thank everyone for your continued love and support as we embark on the greatest journey of our lives together. J and B believe in the power of the name. Kubwa means “great” in Swahili.

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