This is the best place to fly into. Without traffic, the drive from Ontario international airport to our venue, the Lake Arrowhead Resort and Spa, is about 55 minutes. John Wayne international airport is about 90 minutes to our venue without traffic LAX is about 1 hour and 45 minutes to our venue without traffic
https://gc.synxis.com/rez.aspx?Chain=21123&template=RBE&start=availresults&locale=en-US&arrive=3/28/2020&depart=3/29/2020&adult=1&child=0&group=MEB Please use this link to book your room with our discount! For the discount to apply, it must be booked by copying and pasting the above link in your internet browser. You will be brought to a page that says "Mammano/Everson Block" - you will then be able to see the available rooms.