Cocktail Attire: Wear cocktail dresses, LBDs, dressy jumpsuits, and dark jackets and slacks. The ceremony will take place on the lawn. Please plan footwear accordingly.
Yes, there will be transportation to and from the hotel until 1:30am.
3:15pm: Pick up at the Holiday Inn Express 3:45pm: Pick up at The Brewster Inn 3:55pm: Pick up at The Brae Loch Inn 4:05pm: Pick up at Airbnb 4:15pm: First pick up at The Hampton Inn 9pm: Return trips start 1:30am: Last pick up of the night
Yes, there is a parking lot on site.
Please reference the 'Travel' page for hotel details.
Please arrive by 4pm.
We love your kids but we want our wedding night to be your night off.