December 11, 2021
364 morrow Bridge Rd. Dry Creek, La

Brianna & Angelina

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Here is a brief introduction (we could only use so much space) to some of the amazing people you will see during the wedding. Each and every one of these people have had a major impact on our lives in one way or another. We are honored and truly blessed to have each and every one of them a part of the wedding. Lucky for us we are surrounded by many loving and caring people and our bridal party could have been extended even further. We are truly blessed to have you all share our day and cant wait!

Alexis Hamilton

Maid of Honor

Alexis or Lexis, as I call her, is my non biological twin! We are so alike it is scary, but I honestly do not know how I would get through this crazy thing called life without her. She is my ride or die, my rock, and my bestfriend. She is always there when I need her and always a phone call away. She is honest when I ask an opinion and is the first one to tell me how it is. I will forever be thankful for all the drunk nights we have, the long talks, the come to Jesus meetings to get our shit together, and most of all, the laughs! Even though I have only know Alexis for a few years now, I feel like I have known her forever and I am so glad to call her my Maid of Honor! Love you always!

Mackenzie Sellers


Lord where do I even start? Mackenzie or Mack, my literal bestfriend since middle school!! We have had good times and we have had bad, but no matter what we have always stuck by one another! She's sweet, crazy, funny, and everything you need in a friend! Mack has been through hell and back with me, drunk nights and all and I can't thank her enough for taking care of me; well most of the time me taking care of her but that's besides the point! It is honestly so crazy to think that we will now be in each others weddings! Thinking back, we thought this day would never come! Lord you even had a beautiful baby girl and we all thought that would never happen! But you are thriving as a mom and I couldn't be more proud of you! I am so glad she is able to be apart of my special day! Love you lots!

Myranda Seal


I remember when I first met Myranda and thought, "Gosh she is shy I have no idea how we are going to get along" but then I remembered she was friends with Alexis and Alexis is just as outgoing as I am. It didn't take long for Myranda to open up and show me her wild side even though she's still the "mom" of our group! I will forever be thankful for all the time we have had together and of course many more to come! I am so glad I met Myranda because I wouldn't have such a caring and sweet friend to turn to when I need advice! I am so glad you get to be apart of our big day! Love You!

Chloe Cooper


Chloe and I have been friends since we were little bitty since my mom and her mom were friends all throughout school also! We grew apart when Chloe moved out of town in elementary school, but we quickly became close again when she moved back in middle school! Chloe has been there for me through thick and thin and I can't thank her enough! We have had so many memories together and I can't thank our parents enough for bringing us together! I love you Chloe!

Johnna Cormier


I remember when I met Johnna at the beginning of my Freshman year and all I could think was "God she is snobby" until we hung out lol! Mary Johnna is FAR from snobby she is the funniest person you will ever meet! Once we became friends there was no separating me, her, and tyler, we did EVERYTHING together! We have had many fun nights and we have many more to come! I am so glad you moved to kinder and we became friends! Love you!

Kalynn Desormeaux


I haven't known Kalynn for very long, 2 years at the most, but these two years we have made ALOT of memories! I first met Kalynn when I met Hannah when me and Hannah both started working at the prison at the same time. She is kind, sweet, and fun! She is very shy at first but is never afraid to show her sassy side if she has too! I am so glad that Hannah brought us together! Love you!

McKinlee Arrant


McKinlee is my not so little baby cousin! I have watched McKinlee grow up throughout the years and I can honestly say she has turned out to be a wonderful young woman! I will never forget how excited she was when we told her we wanted her to be in our wedding! I love you McKinlee and I am so excited you get to be apart of our big day!

Hannah LaFleur

Best Man

There is honestly so much I could say about Hannah but there is only a certain amount of space I can use! Hannah and I became friends almost two years ago when she started at the prison and since then we have grown close as ever. We have definitely had our ups and downs but our friendship always came out on top. I can not thank her enough for everything she has done for me. She is always a phone call away no matter what! I love you Hannah and I am so glad you are apart of our big day!

Kelsey Royer


I haven' t known Kelsey very long, but I have always heard, you meet unexpected people at the times you need them the most, and boy did I need Kelsey! Kelsey was there for me through a really tough time in both of our lives and I honestly can not thank her enough for that! We have had many great memories together including, taking 3 hours to change the oil on my four-wheeler (lol she's still mad at me for this). All in all Kelsey is a great friend and I am so glad Alexis brought us together! We are so happy you are going to be apart of our special day! Love you bro!

Jasmine Briscoe


I haven't known Jaz very long, but in the time that I have known her we have had some great times! She even convinced me into buying a four wheeler so we could all go ride together, lol just kidding it was defiantly Bree who peer pressured me, but it was Jaz's idea! And from her idea we have made so many memories together, including Bree wrecking on the first day lol! Jaz has been there for me through many things and I can't thank her enough! We are so excited you get to be apart of our big day! Love you bro!

Tyler Marcental


I am not really sure how me and Tyler started hanging out, but I know we first started hanging out in high school. Tyler is like the big bother I never had! He has always been there for me no matter what! We have had good times and bad, good memories and bad, but mostly good lol! He is the most down to earth person I have ever met! If I ever want an honest answer about something I always turn to him because he is coming with the cold hard truth and he isn't sugar coating it lol! I love you Tyler and I am so happy you are able to be apart of our special day!

Jarron Toups


The first time I met Jarron I knew that him and Ty would be like little brothers I never had and my god have they lived up to that! There is never a dull moment with Jarron! He is always a phone call away every time I need help fixing something or moving something lol! I am so glad that I met Bree cause without her I wouldn't have gained two little brothers like Jarron!

Ty Sonnier


When I first met Bree I realized how much her brothers meant to her so I soon realized I had to either accept them or move on lol! But the more I got to know Ty the more I realized how much I needed him! Just like Jarron he is like a little brother I have never had! When he opened his groomsmen box the smile that came across his face was like nothing I have ever seen and I am so glad he gets to be apart of our special day!

Karli West


I haven't known Karli for very long, but ever since I have met her there has never been a dull moment with her! She was Bree's friend before she was mine but I can honestly say that we have gotten extremely close! When we asked her to be in our wedding and I seen how happy she was I knew she was meant to be in our wedding! I'm glad that you are able to be apart of our big day and I can't wait to make many more memories with you !

For all the days along the way
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