July 17, 2021
Willoughby Hills, OH

Briana & Robert


Briana Yamane


Robert Ernsberger

Willoughby Hills


July 17


How We Met

The Lucky Ticket

On a Saturday night in 2015, Robb and I met at a charity raffle and were seated at the same table. We had many mutual friends but didn’t pay much attention to each other at first. Robb put 20 tickets in a basket to win a brand new iPad Air that he really wanted. I, being less excited, decided to put one ticket into the basket for the iPad. Sure enough, my lucky ticket was pulled and that’s how our story began. Robb was upset knowing that I didn’t have much interest in this expensive gadget that I had just won, and he was determined to go home with that iPad in tow. His obsession with new technology took over! He offered me all of the money in his wallet and negotiated as best he could. I, being stubborn and amused, could not accept his offers because “I won it fair and square”! We parted ways that night holding nothing but resentment toward one another. Almost a year later, our mutual friend Brendan asked for Robb to be added to our summer volleyball team. After much debate, I allowed him to join knowing that we needed strong players. To my surprise, he ended up being the sweetest man I had ever met. We became friends and grew closer. He eventually got over the fact that I gave away the infamous iPad to my brother since I didnt use it. That’s when cupid struck. Our first kiss occurred on Robb’s birthday, June 17 of 2016. The Cavs were in the playoffs and soon to be champions. We enjoyed a wonderful evening in downtown Cleveland celebrating the victory with our close friends. We fell for each other quickly and never wanted to spend another moment apart. The rest is history! Thanks for reading our story friends and family. We are looking forward to celebrating our love with you all. We’ve made it through some hard decisions including postponing our wedding. Our love had taken it’s time developing, and we are willing to wait longer if it means having the wedding we’ve always wanted and our guests being safe and comfortable. We appreciate you all and can’t wait!

The Proposal


We were on our way to Florida for a much needed vacation. Little did Briana know there was something else in store once we arrived. We landed and went to go check in at the hotel and found out we had to wait 4 hours to check in. This was terrible news for me as this ring had been burning a hole in my pocket all day already and I wanted to do it on the beach and not look suspicious to give it away or wait any longer. So I waited. We went to lunch, got drinks, and explored the city. Now time to check in and get to the beach! We went down and started walking down the beach where we ran into one couple and asked them to take a picture of us and I was just going to do it right then. But they could not work a camera phone properly I could tell so I held off. Then we ran into a second couple and Briana still had no clue what was going on, they take our picture and im still like ehhhhh not right. Then we kept walking, mind you at this point we are over a mile away from our hotel. We fianlly see these two younger people just snapping pictures like crazy and I’m like this is it! So i asked them to take a picture(actually whispered in the girls ear just keep taking pics dont stop) as i hand them my phone and Briana is like really a third time? Then I got down on one knee and they captured the moment beautifully. The rest is history. -Robb

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