We met in Florida for a soccer trip to Nationals in November. We were in the hot tub with several of our teammates one night & Caitlin made the joke that Johnson University was paying for her birthday vacation because her birthday was in a few days. Brett was super shocked because his birthday was in a few days as well. He continued to ask what day it was on… Caitlin replied, “the 24th”. Brett thought that Caitlin had been stalking him or messing with him because his birthday is on the same day!! The rest of the night was spent getting to know each other & from there we began talking on FaceTime almost daily. Caitlin did not come to Johnson for the spring semester so we stopped talking. Fall of 2021 we reconnected and were just friends. So many people kept asking us if we were dating/talking & for about 3 months we just said that we were really good friends. On the way back to Indiana for thanksgiving Caitlin called Brett & told her how she felt. We spent 2 months getting to each other better then in January 2022 he asked me to be his girlfriend