Our families have known each other for a long long time, but we had not seen other since we were little kids when we stopped going to the same church. Fast forward 20 years or so and we both ended up attending the funeral of a sweet friend of both of our families. Our families were talking to each other and we ended up being in the same circle of conversation. While neither of us managed to speak to each other right then, we saw each other again the next day and we both felt as though we had to get to know one another. The rest you can say is history, because we have been pretty much inseparable since then.
July 15 is always a special day for me: it's my birthday :). I knew that Kelsey was the one for me after our first date and I knew she thought the same thing. I began saving for the ring shortly after our 1 month "anniversary" and she had absolutely no idea. As the months went by we began growing closer to each other and a more than a few hints were given to me about a ring! As soon as I had the money to purchase the ring, I couldn't wait any longer to give it to her and begin a lifetime of adventures with her. My family decided to go to one of our favorite places, the Highlands in North Carolina. As soon as the trip was planned I knew that's where I wanted to ask her. My parents arrived up there at the beginning of the week with the ring....well so I thought. My dad forgot the ring as they were leaving to go up, but didn't tell me until after I proposed! We arrived Thursday morning and the plan was to ask her before dinner on Friday but I wanted to ask her Thursday night, I was overruled! We began getting ready for dinner Friday and the feeling to describe the way I felt would be compared to getting up on stage and singing a solo, you're so excited to do it but also so nervous. Kelsey had no idea that this was going to happen because my excuse for not having it already was that I hadn't saved up enough money yet. I told her that our table was ready and that Addison was taking too long and we needed to go get seated. So we left and I told her about this beautiful church in downtown Highlands and that I wanted to take her and let her see it. When we got down there we walked into this beautiful garden area of the church and I asked her " you know what I really want for my birthday? I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" I got down on a knee with tears in my eyes because I knew the Lord had given me more than I deserved as I saw her head shake yes to my question. There was a saying on the church that said " O God My Heart Is Ready" and I remember thinking how perfect is this. I am so excited to see what God has in store for our marriage and am ready to start this grand adventure!