
Brennon & Elizabeth

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Brandon Philips

Best Man

Meet Brandon, the best man and lifelong friend of Brennon. Their friendship traces back to their days in 6th grade, but it was during high school that they grew closer within their tight-knit friend group. As college roommates, they shared a love for Friday horror movie nights and enjoyed exploring the many hikes offered in the Boulder landscape. Brandon's influence led Brennon to embrace the world of Computer Science and mentored Brennon through his first internship and job. Everyone loves Brandon for his huge heart and witty sense of humor! Brennon knows he is in good hands with Brandon supporting him on his wedding day.

Sarah Ann Arant

Matron of Honor

Meet Sarah, the Matron of Honor and sister of Liz. At three years old, Liz wasn't the most excited for a little sister to enter her life, but they quickly became best friends. Liz and Sarah could not be more opposite in personalities, but that is what makes their relationship so strong! Sarah is the epitome of a free spirit and never shies away from trying something new. Through the adventures and places life has taken her, she consistently inspires Liz to be more adventurous herself. Liz is beyond grateful to have Sarah standing by her on this amazing day!

Jason Short


Jason is Brennon's older brother. From his earliest memories, Brennon remembers endless hours of playing Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64. Brennon has always looked up to Jason, deeply admiring his unwavering passion and dedication to his first love of cycling. Whether it's conquering challenging terrains or pushing the limits of endurance, Jason's commitment to his craft has been an inspiration to Brennon. Sharing his wedding day with his brother means the world to Brennon, especially with their shared Scottish ancestry.

Taylor Rahman


Tay was one of Liz's first friends she made when she moved back to Charlotte after graduate school. They met at Iron Tribe Fitness, where Liz was first getting into the world of fitness and Taylor was such an inspiration in strength. Tay and Liz share both a passion for the balance of fitness and food, often found trying out the new bakery in town or signing up for last minute mud runs. Taylor is the most reliable and easygoing friend there is. Liz is so appreciative of her consistency; a ready shoulder to cry on or ear to listen. Liz is so excited to have Taylor standing by her on this day!

Parker Flowers


This is Parker, a long-time friend of Brennon since their kindergarten days. Throughout the years, their families have grown up sharing many milestones together. Brennon and Parker have shared the same close friend group for over two decades. Some of their highlights would be their rafting or skiing trips, but not forgetting their high school graduation trip to Hawaii. Known as the life of the party, Parker's infectious humor adds a vibrant spark to any gathering. Brennon can't wait to share another life milestone with one of his best friends!

Marin Nichols


Marin and Liz met at Iron Tribe Fitness just a couple months after she met Taylor. Liz knew right away that the three of them would be inseparable. Literally, the three of them have matching tattoos! Marin also moved to Colorado the year after Liz and she couldn't be more thankful to have her best friend so close. Marin is a prime example of caring so deeply about the things that truly matter, which Liz admires so much! Liz is so grateful to have Marin standing by her on this day.

Sam Lagana


Sam and Liz met at the gym (although not the same gym as Tay and Marin) as well - sensing a theme here? Although they had similar friends there, their friendship didn't fully realize until right before Liz moved to Denver. Sam is never more than a phone call away and always willing to hop on a plane for a visit. There hasn't been a week gone by that they haven't talked. She is always down for an adventure, whether it's a long hike or a punk rock concert. Sam is one of those people you want to have in your corner. Liz can't wait to have Sam standing by her on the day!

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