We want you to be comfortable but fashionable. Please no jeans or sweatpants, dress attire is preferred.
They will both be indoors in the same location, Woods Fort golf course fireside event room.
After the ceremony, the bridal party will be taking pictures nearby for around an hour. Guests can stay in the fireside room, where we will be serving finger foods and beverages, or choose to step outside.
Unfortunately we are not providing any alcohol, but there is a Bar on site if you would like to partake. There is NO BYOB!
You will be missed! If you cannot make it to the wedding please let us know as soon as possible and RSVP “no” so we can plan accordingly.
Our children will be there, but we would like to maintain a minimal amount of children. If you would like to bring your child(ren), please let us know in advance!
We have not reserved any hotel blocks, but can if requested, please let us know.
We will have a photographer on site and would kindly request that you refrain from taking pictures as we are an unplugged ceremony. Keep your phones away please and just enjoy this beautiful day with us!