Dress Code: Black tie formal in any color that you like! :)
Dress Code: Black tie formal in any color that you like! :)

Maddison & Brendan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Bryce Powell

Best Man

Bryce is the best man. Bryce is my twin brother and my only blood brother. I consider Bryce to be my best friend, not just family. I have been with Bryce through most of life's toughest challenges. From playing in the dirt, and getting into trouble, to now watching each other get married, I can say I have enjoyed growing up with Bryce. Having a twin sibling is always like having a best friend. For Bryce and I, sure, we have had difficult moments, but hey! That's what having a brother is like. i am thankful to have a brother like you man, love you bro!

Dalton Moye


Dalton is one of my very close friends. Dalton is the type of friend to include you in everything he wants to accomplish in life. He thinks of others before thinking of himself. I have had great memories with Dalton and know I will continue to for a long time. I look forward to seeing him accomplish great things in life, and am grateful for all the fun memories.

Dylan Moss


Dylan is my best friend and has been since high school. Even though our lives have different paths, I can always count on Dylan to be there for me. From getting beat up in football with him, to those long talks we've had, I cherish every moment I have with him. Dylan always used to tell me, "follow me and I'll take you home", which I felt means follow him and he'll always watch my back. I appreciate all he had done for me and I will always love him for it. Thanks for being my best friend.

Kyle Simpson


I have known Kyle since high school, and even though we both didn't think we would be friends at the start, here we are. I have had a lot of fun, chaotic and memorable times with Kyle. Kyle is the type of friend who will always think of you first and will put your needs before his own. I will always appreciate the things Kyle has done for me, and for being the friend that he is.

Axel Gonzales


Axel is like a brother to me. We grew up together in California. Axel is always the type of friend who was very blunt, but without him, I wouldn't be the person I am today. From playing football in the streets, catching the bus together, playing games at each other's houses, and getting through school together, Axel will always be one of my best friends. I appreciate everything he has done for me and I am excited to continue to make memories with him.

Hector Luna


Hector has been a close friend of mine ever since I moved to Oregon. I have always known Hector to be extremely funny, cheerful and caring. Hector's laugh and smile have always been contagious. I have had very fun and chaotic memories with him, and hope to share many more with him. Watching Hector grow as a person, and a man has been touching to me. No matter the situation, he always carries himself with a smile and good attitude. I'm glad to call him a friend.

Alvin Ruelas


Alvin is the most hard working young man I have ever known. His work ethic and patience is beyond his age and I honestly envy him. Alvin was one of the first people I met when I moved from California, and has always been a great friend to me. Alvin has supported me during some tough times in my life and I really appreciate all he has done. I enjoyed working next to him, and watching him grow into a great mentor to others. Thank you for all you have done for me, Alvin, and I know you'll continue to do great things!

Carlos Sayago Bravo


I have known Carlos since I was about 13-14 years old. Interesting fact: Carlos and I have actually never met, but he has been a great friend for all these years. I met Carlos online playing call of duty. We instantly clicked, and from then on have been playing games always every day/week for the past nine years. Carlos knows pretty much everything baout me and I know pretty much everything about him. Kind of funny since we've never met but the distance has never mattered. I will always see Carlos as one of my best friends and I appreciate all he's been there for me in.


Matron of Honor

As the sister of the bride, she often takes on a second motherly role due to our age difference. I understand that shifting between being a mother figure and a sister can be challenging for the both of us, but regardless of the role she plays, her words and actions always come from a place of deep love, selflessness, and support. She ensures that I consider all aspects before making any decisions and is always there for me when I need her the most. God knew exactly what He was doing when He made all of us, but especially when He made her. I am excited to see her as a mother and meet my first nephew!



Nikki is the kind of friend you know is going to be in your life forever. No matter how busy or challenging life gets, nothing changes between us; we always reconnect as if no time has passed. She's always there even if life gets hectic. She's one of the first people I call when something significant happens. Nikki is THE person to go to if you're looking to laugh so hard you can't breathe. Her friendship is incredibly healing and she perfectly balances being supportive and serious with being hilarious and fun-loving.



Gretta is my life raft, a breath of fresh air and sunshine on a dark day. From the moment I met her, she has been there for me, no matter the size of any issue, never making me feel like a burden. I appreciate her more than words can express. She is my best friend and I cannot imagine going through all I've experienced without her by my side. I am incredibly grateful she is able to be by my side on my special day!



I met Giorgi through Gretta, as she is her little sister. Typically, younger siblings might be seen as annoying, but not Giorgi! When I think of her, only positive things come to mind. She was always there with Gretta and I, offering opinions, advice, and knowledge that I have always valued. I am so proud being able to witness her transition into a beautiful young woman and excited to see what amazing things she accomplishes in her life.



It's safe to say she had every reason not to be friends with me... As one of the first days I met her in eighth grade, I showed her a picture of her own house on the school bus, despite us not knowing each other. I wasn't crazy! I was just trying to make new friends. Despite that awkward start, and many other moments, we became and remained very good friends. She is my artistic, caring, yet carefree friend whom I value deeply. I am so blessed to have a friend like her. Also, if you know a good joke, tell it to Awbrey. She WILL laugh, her smile and laugh are incredibly contagious.



Makayla is the friend I've known the longest and never afraid to give her honest opinion. She's the best at taking 500 pictures when I ask her for just one, which, if you know me, is exactly how I like it. She's always up for running errands, going to the gym, or anything else so I don't have to go alone. Even when I do have to go alone, she always answers the phone, even when neither of us have anything to say. The list of how great she is goes on and on but suffice it to say, I am truly glad to call her my friend.



Alexis has been a lifelong friend. We first met in elementary school and became best friends. We reconnected in eighth grade and have been close ever since. Alexis has an energy about her that is so positive and bright! Be around her for five minutes, and you will absolutely be able to feel it. I'm so grateful for the years we've spent growing our friendship together. I love all the laughs we share, especially during our craft nights, even when they get quite stressful!



Sadie has been a wonderful friend from the moment we met. When we first started interacting, we instantly connected and realized just how much we have in common. I deeply appreciate the way she supports me, no matter how big or small, and how she always respects and acknowledges my feelings. I adore our long conversations and shopping hauls which always leave me feeling refreshed and relaxed.

For all the days along the way
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