This love story begins with an Assistant Camp Director (Gina) and a Camp Counselor (Brayden) spending a summer working together. They started the summer acquaintances, then quickly became friends, which led to crushes towards the end of summer. After hanging out many times outside of camp during the summer weekends, Gina realized that she was going to have to take the lead and ask Brayden out (he was very shy). They had their first date during the week off before the last week of summer camp, dinner at Jack's BBQ and then watched Thor of Love and Thunder at the movie theatre. Instantly falling for each other they spent every moment apart texting and every moment together going on walks and staying up late stargazing. After the camp season ended Brayden and Gina were inseparable, they were two different puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. A perfect balance of silliness and seriousness, adventurous and calm, and motivation and content, partners and individuals. To this day they never left honeymoon phase. Their rare love made of trust, patience, communication, devotion, motivation, encouragement, and never ending romance. Forever chasing butterflies.