
Heather & Brandon

    Important Facts

Important Facts

The Wedding Website of Heather Keller and Brandon Heilmann
Here are some important facts and rules set by the venue and vendors 1) We cannot accommodate the many children in the family so we will have to have only our nieces and nephews attending, as they are part of the ceremony. 2) Please no photography at the ceremony after it begins. Feel free to take loads of photos and videos at the reception. 3) Only the bride and bridal party are allowed in the house, however feel free to explore the beautiful property. 4) There is a designated smoking area in the grass not far from the parking area. You must only smoke here or we are charged $200 as a fine. 5) There are a total of 3 bathrooms for guests and they are all at the front of the driveway and easily accessible and close to walk to. 6) Rain or shine, the venue can accommodate accordingly. 7) The hotel does not allow smoking of any kind in the rooms or there will be fine. 8) You are allowed to leave your car in the lot overnight and pick up the next day.
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