Maid of Honor
Nicole and Brianna have been best friends since high school! We were inseparable throughout college and still are till this day! Nicole and Brandon also both attended U of I College of Medicine.
Best Man
Brandon and Ryan are the double trouble twins! Bri, Brandon, and Ryan have traveled and hiked many National Parks over the years, and we have many more on our bucket list left to explore!
Brianna and Megan met as coworkers at UIHC and very quickly became best friends! We are always on the hunt for new murder mystery shows and have rewatched our favorite Grey's Anatomy TV series countless of times!
Brandon and David have been great friends since childhood! Their long history of friendship started from the day they met at daycare, grew up playing sports together, to their snowboarding days in Colorado, and were in the same Fraternity in college!
We met through Megan and shortly after, the three of us became inseparable living in Iowa City! Our tradition of having girls nights at Red's Alehouse will always be one of our favorite memories!
Brandon and Parimal met as Freshmen at U of Iowa and soon became close friends and were roommates throughout college!
Flower Girls
The adorable daughters of bridesmaids Megan & Amy!
Ring Bearer
Bride's mischievous youngest brother!
Parents of Bride
Parents of Groom
Bride's older brothers