The short story? Our friends Seth Davin and Jess Markuson played matchmaker in a big way. The long story? Seth and Braden were old friends and Hannah met Seth through her friend Jess one night in February 2018. The next morning, as Jess tells it, Seth rolled over and asked "is your friend Hannah single?" They hadn't been together for too long, so Jess was initially sketched out, but he didn't have bad intentions- he thought Hanah would be perfect for Braden. It took a year to get them in the same room together, but on December 31st, 2019, worlds collided at the Knight Cap in NE Minneapolis. Always the professional, Braden asked for "five minutes of Hannah's time" and they've spent basically all of their minutes together since then. After COVID struck a couple months later, Braden and Hannah hunkered down and learned to cook new cuisines, served as sounding boards for each others' work issues, walked a LOT, and played UNO. They took the plunge on moving in together in November and, despite initial worries on both sides, realized they get along creepily well. In February 2021, Braden took Hannah out for breakfast at his favorite spot, The Buttered Tin, and popped the question in Mear's park as Finn and Hailey Bronson looked on. And here we are! Excited and ready to spend the rest of our lives together with all of you <3.