May 28, 2023
Pigeon Forge, TN

Gabrielle & Alex

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Kali Pahios

Maid of Honor

I’m Kali! Gabby and I are best friends that grew up together. From sleepovers (yes, Gabby was always the first one asleep), jamming out to Taylor Swift, and boating, there's not much that we didn't do together. I remember the first time she told me about Alex...her smile and the look in her eyes - I just knew. Gabby and I always joked that I'd be her MOH, standing next to her on her wedding day and that joke is finally reality! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Gabby and Alex!

Zach Dooley

Best Man

Zach is Alex's only brother. Growing up, the two brothers had very different interests; Zach was diligent in his studies and loved music, while Alex was solely fixated on sports. However, as they grew older, their relationship grew and now Zach is someone who Alex goes to for advice and guidance. Due to their relationship and brotherhood, Zach was the clear choice as Alex's best man. Zach lives in San Antonio, Texas with his wonderful wife Andi.

Morgan Bosse


I am Gabby’s younger and only sister so I have 23 years of memories I could share. But some of my favorites are obsessing over Taylor Swift songs, planning trips, and sending each other TikToks. I can't wait to have everyone together, and I’m ready to celebrate Gabby & Alex!

Wade Blair


Wade is Alex's first cousin. In their childhood, Alex was always hanging out and playing with Wade as they lived only two-houses down from each other. The two were fortunate enough to play high school baseball together, and being teammates only strengthened their bond. In recent years, Wade and Alex always will play a round of golf together when they get the chance. Alex and Gabby always appreciate any opportunity to spend time with Wade and his girlfriend Bridgett.

Alexis Gee


I am Alexis, Gabby’s old college roomie at Tennessee (Go Vols!). Living with Gabby throughout our journey at Tennessee allowed me to be there for some very sweet moments. For example, I was able to see Gabby bring home Tito and - even more exciting - I watched Gabby and Alex meet for the first time! Also, I was lucky enough to get to know Alex as we got our Masters in Accounting together at UT. Gabby and Alex have such a sweet and special relationship. I’m so excited to stand next to them on their big day and continue to be by their side cheering them on throughout their marriage.

Brock Beeler


Being Alex's oldest friend, Brock and Alex have a lifetime of memories together. Most of the highlights all revolve around either the sport of baseball, or sleepovers at each other's houses growing up. From ages 8-13, Alex and Brock played baseball for the same team that was coached by both of their fathers. Brock and Alex went to middle and high school together at the Webb School of Knoxville. Brock and his wife Kenzie were among the first people to meet Gabby, and from that day on the two couples have been great friends. More recently, life has come full circle for Brock and Alex as they share the privilege of coaching the Webb Middle School Baseball Team together. Brock, Kenzie, and their new baby girl, Emery, live in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Chelsea Donohue


I am Chelsea, I'm one of Gabby's cousins, so I've known her since she was born. Growing up, and even today, we've always been states apart; however we've remained close over the years. I cherish the memories we make when visiting each other and it's been amazing watching Gabby grow up from such an inquisitive child to a kind, smart, and beautiful person. I'm so happy for Gabby and Alex and all the future memories to be made!

Robert Ritchie


Robert has been one of Alex's closest friends since the 8th Grade. What started out as being workout buddies in middle school quickly turned into a beneficial, long-term friendship. While in high school, Alex's parents frequently joked that Alex was the Ritchie's adopted son since he spent so much time hanging out with Robert. Robert has one of the best and most respectable work ethics, and this is something Alex has always admired. When Alex and Gabby started dating, Robert was always supportive and helpful. For example, Gabby was in Nashville for a work trip and cut her finger chopping vegetables. Robert dropped what he was doing to drive across town, pick her up, and rush her to an urgent care.

Ashlin Bosse


I am Ashlin, Gabby’s sister in-law. From the moment we met, Gabby welcomed me into the family with open arms and made me feel right at home. Together, we share a love for cats as well as owning the cutest ones ever :) Gabby and I have been building a bond for years now. I am grateful for our friendship and I look forward to many years together as a family. Gabby and Alex are wonderful together and I cannot wait to celebrate their special day!

Lucas Franz


Lucas and Alex became close friends in college at the University of Tennessee, where they were fraternity brothers and roommates. What started out as enemies on the baseball field (Lucas was a pitcher for a rival school), turned into being best friends in college. Lucas brings a great sense of humor as well as great taste in music to the friend group. No matter who is driving, Lucas is always on the AUX playing absolute bangers. After college, Lucas moved back home to Nashville to begin his career with HCA. Although he is two hours away, Alex and Lucas always stay in frequent communication via visits, text messages, and playing Call of Duty online together. Gabby and Alex always enjoy spending time with Lucas and his fiancé Rachel.

Kayla Keck


I am Kayla and have known Gabby for over 15 years. We have been making memories since the early years of elaborate music videos in our basements and Wynstone swim meets, to more recent boat days on the river, trips with extended family in Wisconsin, and becoming Gabby’s “unofficial” step-sister. I am so happy for her and can’t wait to welcome Alex into the family! Cheers!

Jordan Flickinger


Jordan and Alex first met in the summer going into 6th grade at a basketball camp. Then, when school started that year, Alex quickly gravitated to hanging out with Jordan and they have not stopped being great friends since. After high school, Jordan went to the University of Georgia for college. Despite the distance, Alex and Jordan continued to stay close through playing video games together online, traveling to each other's schools to visit, and hanging out on the lake during the summer months. After college, Alex and Gabby moved to Atlanta to start their careers. Lucky for them, Jordan was already living in Atlanta, and introduced Alex and Gabby to his own friend group.

For all the days along the way
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