12:30 pm
12:00 pm
Harry Potter house colors (yellow/maroon for Gryffindor, green/silver for Slytherin, blue/brown for Ravenclaw, black/yellow for Hufflepuff)
Please remember to sign in and put what house u are in
1:00 pm
Harry Potter house colors (yellow/maroon for Gryffindor, green/silver for Slytherin, blue/brown for Ravenclaw, black/yellow for Hufflepuff)
Remember to sign the guest book with ur name and the house ur in
2:30 pm
Harry Potter house colors (yellow/maroon for Gryffindor, green/silver for Slytherin, blue/brown for Ravenclaw, black/yellow for Hufflepuff)
Don’t forget to sign guest book with name and house ur in
1:00 pm
Harry Potter house colors (yellow/maroon for Gryffindor, green/silver for Slytherin, blue/brown for Ravenclaw, black/yellow for Hufflepuff)
Don’t forget to sign the guest book with name and house ur in