MAR2018 Justin and Kirby take their first photo together on Justin's 30th birthday at Evadnie's house
MAY2018 at Memphis BBQ Fest!
AUG2018 Justin and Kirby attended Jared and Delaram Becksfort's wedding (where Delaram staged the bouquet toss to make sure Kirby married Justin)
DEC2019 They celebrate Christmas together in their first apartment
JAN2020 Kirby and Justin celebrate Kirby's 25th birthday!
JAN2020 They fly to FL for a wedding (and the beach)
APR2020 They get stuck in their apartment together during the pandemic, but still see friends from a safe distance.
DEC2020 Justin and Kirby buy their first home in Midtown!
JUL2021 They adopt the love of their lives, Pixie, from a rescue in Texas.
OCT2020 Kirby goes to PA to meet Justin's family
FEB2021 Joshua Tree National park
FEB2021 in Palm Springs, CA
JAN2022 Happy New Year from New Orleans!
JAN2022 in Nashville, TN