Make sure you provide Beaches with your travel information. They will ensure transportation from airport to the resort. Check-in prior to arrival. This will make sure you do not need to fill out any paperwork when you arrive. If you plan on using cash, please bring prior to arrival. There are no ATM`s on site. If using debit or credit card, make sure your financial institution does not charge any fees. Pack a beach bag prior to arrival in case your room isn`t ready. This will allow you to dip right into the water or go to the beach!
Many of your questions can be answered on the resorts FAQ page!
No, tipping is not required. Please keep in mind that the transportation service that is set up by Beaches are not employees of the resort. Tipping is much appreciated.
Most restaurants accept walk-in but there are some that require reservations. Please make sure you are booking reservations ahead of time. Download the Beaches app to access during your trip. This will allow you to see what is open and hours of operation to restaurants!
Please take a look at our schedule page to find out information on ceremony start and end time. We will not be hosting additional events prior to the wedding or afterwards. We appreciate everyone's time to join us on our special day. If you would like spend additional time, please reach out to meet for a meal! We want you to enjoy your much deserved vacation and get the most out of the resort. We can`t wait to see everyone!
Beach/Garden Attire
Beaches does not provide sunscreen. Although they do have shops that sell sunscreen, please keep in mind they do charge two-three times more than what we see in the US. Bringing your own sunscreen for the trip would be a great addition.