If you have never been to the Pacific Northwest and plan to rent a car, we definitely hope you take advantage of this Labor Day weekend wedding to explore surrounding areas. Listed below are just some of our recommendations of things to do and see around the Portland area.
Portland, OR
Lots to do in the city! Great food, shopping, Portland Japanese Garden, NBA games, and so much more!
Cannon Beach
Cannon Beach, OR
The venue is just over an hour drive from the Oregon coast. This is where Ben proposed❤️
Mount Hood
Early September will be a beautiful time to visit Mt. Hood. We highly recommend it if you want to camp, hike, or swim over Labor Day weekend!
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
The gorge is just over an hour from the venue and is home to many beautiful hikes and waterfalls such as Multnomah Falls pictured above. Definitely worth exploring if you’re in the area!