This can be a stressful time of decision-making and detail managing. Please pray that we would enjoy the ride while being engaged and finding joy in the details coming to life on our wedding day!
We will be starting our premarital counseling soon. Please pray that our intentional time of preparing for marriage will be of great benefit to our relationship, and that it would allow us to grow in vulnerability and faithfulness.
Please pray for all elements of the wedding day itself. Ask that we would be blessed by good weather for safe travels, that our guests feel warmly welcomed and cared for, and that the details would be taken care of in a way that we can just be in an attitude of joy and worship of God for bringing everything and everyone together for our wedding.
Please pray for our new journey as husband and wife, that we would grow closer to and in likeness of Jesus as we learn to be in a covenant relationship with one another. Pray that we would rely on God for strength in the trials and challenges of life, and that our commitment to one another would win over the feelings such moments can bring.