The happy couple actually “matched” on Tinder. Savanna was visiting her family in Tennessee. The conversations were non stop on a daily basis- Matthew wanted to FaceTime to make sure there was no “Fishy business” and to ensure that she was real. Although, Savanna thought that was a little weird she did it anyways- her 1st words to him were “See, I’m real.” Despite her travel plans, Matthew and Savanna’s 1st date included a round of mini golf (Go Figure) at Smuggler’s Cove in Indian rocks and collecting seashells along the beach afterwards watching the sunset the day she arrived back home from her trip. Little did she know that day was the start of something much bigger and magical than what she anticipated.
During a night out - we decided to stop at Madeira Beach (Savanna’s favorite beach) to catch a sunset, one of her favorite things to do. While walking - Savanna noticed a fully intact clam shell- which when opened fully it formed a heart. Naturally, she started playing in the sand taking pictures of this shell. When done - she ran up to catch up with Matt when she heard him say “Babe, what’s this?” As she turned around he was on one knee. Making her the Happiest girl on earth.