By the time I had moved to Vernal, I had already spent a considerable amount of time visiting and had been a part of the youth group at VCC throughout my high school years. Brayden and I were aware of who the other was, but we didn't really know each other well. In the fall of 2021, I started going to a life group that Kyle had started. Brayden started going to it after a while as well and around the same time he started going to the same church as me. We started to get to know each other better through the bible study. One day he asked if I wanted to go watch one of Lannon's soccer games and we ended up talking and hanging out after for around 7 hrs. The rest is pretty much history!
We went on a trip to show Rachel and Maddie Yellowstone for the first time. Stephen and Ashlynn were with us as well. The summer before we had gone to Yellowstone with my family and Brayden and I had spent the mornings together watching the sunrise on the beach of Yellowstone Lake. Our campsite was close to the lake again on this trip and when we got to the campsite Brayden dragged me, Rachel, Stephen, and Ashlynn down to the beach around sunset. He suggested I go stand on a rock that was in the water and as I started to walk away he got down on one knee. When I turned back around he asked the question! Maddie was running behind us and was sad to miss it, but she got to spend the rest of the trip with us taking pictures.