
Rachel & Bart

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Rachel Hinojosa


Bart Wells



Maid of Honor

Rachel is my older sister, we are 4 years apart. She was a lonely only child who had tea parties alone with her dolls before I came around. We have literally walked through life together and share a special sister bond that will live on forever. Rachel and I can literally communicate with each other with just a look or facial expression. Like most sisters we share a variety of likes and dislikes, but nothing tops our love for cats, and we are both proud cat moms. I’m honored to stand by my sister's side in her union with Bart.


Best Man

Paul and I first met outside a 6th grade classroom in Miami many moons ago. We had a mutual friend named Bryce and would frequently run into each other at Bryce's house. One day we were talking about music, and it turned out Paul played guitar, and I had just picked up the bass. Pretty soon we started to jam, forming a band with our friend David on the drums, and began to hang out at each other's house more and more. After I moved to California before high school, I would come back and visit for a few weeks each summer. We kept the band alive by preforming shows every chance we got. Paul and I routinely took kayak trips through the everglades, camping trips on the islands around Miami, and boating trips in the Biscayne Bay. After I moved back to Miami in 2007, Paul and I began to produce music together, and thanks to his great sound engineering, I learned how to improve my musicianship and songwriting. We've taken countless cross county road trips and rocked a great many jam sessions. He has been one of my best friends for the last 27 years, and I am honored to have him be my best man.



I met Rachel literally on the first day of college. Rachel’s dorm room was right next to mine, and we met while moving in. I didn’t have a roommate, so I went next door to Rachel’s, and we instantly became friends. Coincidentally my dad and Rachel’s dad had met outside while they were moving our stuff into the dorms. Our dads bonded over the Anaheim Angels and sports in general, and thankfully Rachel and I quickly bonded too. We’ve never looked back, and 15 years later we are both thriving and living our best life. I’m so excited to be a part of Rachel and Barts special day!



David has been one of my best friends for 26 years. We first met in the 7th grade, through our mutual friend Bryce. David would come hang out with Bryce and I, exploring the wilderness of Bryce's avocado grove. David is an excellent drummer, and soon helped form our legendary trio, the "Trail Seekers" with our friend Paul. Throughout the years, our shared interest in the natural world has taken us to some amazing places. Kayaking through the Everglades on the hunt for the ghost orchid, or out to the famed Chicken Key Island, snorkeling the reefs of the Florida Keys, or Cayman scouting in the wetlands, I've learned an incredible amount about different species from David. We've gone on several cross-country road trips, camped in some unbelievable locations, and even thrown a glow in the dark frisbee in a swarm of bats outside Carlsbad Caverns. On one road trip, David and I jumped in and swam in the Bottomless Lake in Roswell, New Mexico. And with a guy whose sense of humor is as evident as that Pokémon hat in his photo, you're always guaranteed to have a great time. I'm grateful for his years of friendship and am honored by his attendance at my wedding.



Rachel and I met after I moved into a new house on the same street. As new neighbors, our relationship quickly turned into a beautiful friendship. It has been filled with laughter, chick-flicks with popcorn and hot coco, dancing to the Spice Girls while sliding on wood floors in our socks, long drives to Santa Monica just to get a cup of water at a drive through (you had to be there). The stories and memories are endless and as I write this, I have the biggest smile on my face. I am so blessed to be a part of this beautiful day and can’t wait to create new memories, standing next to Rachel on what will be one of the best days of her life.



Enrique and I were introduced at the Hinojosa household back when Rachel and I first started dating. He was dating Rachel's sister Becky, and we would see a lot of each other at family dinners and activities. We have a fair amount in common, have similar musical tastes, and we both share a passion for playing the drums. It always put a smile on my face to hear Enrique laying down a solid groove on the skins in the garage of the Hinojosa residence. We have gone to Dodgers games together, to the movies with the family, and countless backyard barbeques. We've always had a great time and shared some good laughs along the way. I was really happy for Enrique and Becky when they got engaged and married a few years ago. He is a great guy, funny, and knowledgeable. Enrique is always actively involved in self-improvement through education and new skills, a highly respectable quality. He's always in a positive mood, and willing to lend a hand whenever asked. I'm looking forward to having him in the wedding entourage and can't wait to call him my brother-in-law.



I met Rachel through my boyfriend Ross' older brother Bart. Rachel is one of my dearest friends, and from the moment we met, she welcomed me into the family with open arms and made me feel right at home! We’ve since shared plenty of laughs while baking cookies, having venting sessions, and enjoying wine and cheese boards (with many more to come!). She has a huge heart and will embrace your weirdness!



Ross's story began on a dark and stormy night in August of 1990, the 7th of August to be exact. I remember the excitement while waiting to meet the youngest Wells brother. Ross and I grew our bond while sharing many of the Wells family adventures. From sailing the seas in the Florida Keys, to coaching his little league soccer team, to some awesome excursions, we've had some great times. Ross always has a good idea or positive suggestion to improve the situation and his ambition is admirable. Despite our 6-year age difference, we are brought together by a love of music, artistic creativity, and a passion for the outdoors. We have a similar sense of humor, and he always knows how to find laughter in everyday life moments. Ross's mechanical prowess and innovation has inspired me time and again. He is extremely supportive, and I'm lucky to have him in my corner. I am proud to know such a great guy, and proud to be his brother.

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