7/20/24 - Dear Family & Friends: Due to unforseen circumstances, our wedding has been cancelled. We ask for privacy at this time and deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your love and support through this difficult time.
7/20/24 - Dear Family & Friends: Due to unforseen circumstances, our wedding has been cancelled. We ask for privacy at this time and deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your love and support through this difficult time.

Nicole & Brandon



The Wedding Website of Nicole Leigh Barrett and Brandon Lee Zinn
Here is a video of our engagement, as well as a few of our favorite memories and traditions to look back on. We chose a venue in Naches, WA because we spend a lot of our time there throughout the year. Whether it’s a day trip, camping, or staying at our good friends’, the Binghams, quaint cabin, we’ve made a ton of memories in the area over the years. It will always be a special place to us and even more so now.

Our engagement on the Big Island of Hawaii on September 12th, 2023. Click the ‘v’ in the bottom right corner of the video player to read our engagement story (it’s worth the read, we promise).

Right after we got engaged at the luau. Brandon was profusely sweating and acting strange all night. Nicole thought it was from bad fish.
Right after we got engaged at the luau. Brandon was profusely sweating and acting strange all night. Nicole thought it was from bad fish.
At our annual camping trip to Skagit Speedway for the Dirt Cup sprint car races, one of our favorite trips with friends. You’ll never see more mullets and Marlboro Reds in one place.
At our annual camping trip to Skagit Speedway for the Dirt Cup sprint car races, one of our favorite trips with friends. You’ll never see more mullets and Marlboro Reds in one place.
Our favorite restaurant in Naches, WA with the best pizza, beer, and merch. Try the Timberwolf pizza with a blonde (no pun intended) or hazy IPA, you won’t regret it.
Our favorite restaurant in Naches, WA with the best pizza, beer, and merch. Try the Timberwolf pizza with a blonde (no pun intended) or hazy IPA, you won’t regret it.
At Hooverville bar before a Mariners game, another tradition. If Brandon isn’t playing sports, he’s watching them on TV, or at a game. If he can’t do any of those, he’s watching a movie… about sports.
At Hooverville bar before a Mariners game, another tradition. If Brandon isn’t playing sports, he’s watching them on TV, or at a game. If he can’t do any of those, he’s watching a movie… about sports.
4th of July in Aberdeen, ID for Nicole’s family reunion, where the Barretts have become known for their annual fireworks show. Also a rare picture of Brandon without a handlebar mustache.
4th of July in Aberdeen, ID for Nicole’s family reunion, where the Barretts have become known for their annual fireworks show. Also a rare picture of Brandon without a handlebar mustache.
Cruising up to Little Bald Mountain in Naches, WA. Shortly after this picture was taken, Nicole was stung by a rogue bee and Brandon had to perform a stinger removal operation.
Cruising up to Little Bald Mountain in Naches, WA. Shortly after this picture was taken, Nicole was stung by a rogue bee and Brandon had to perform a stinger removal operation.
At a Tacoma Rainiers game, our favorite picture to date. Fun fact: Brandon’s handlebar ‘stache became his signature after it started as a joke but quickly won Nicole over on our first date.
At a Tacoma Rainiers game, our favorite picture to date. Fun fact: Brandon’s handlebar ‘stache became his signature after it started as a joke but quickly won Nicole over on our first date.
Our babymoon in Hawaii. We booked the trip last minute and made it our mission to eat at all the best restaurants on the island since Nicole was eating for two. Mission accomplished… a few times.
Our babymoon in Hawaii. We booked the trip last minute and made it our mission to eat at all the best restaurants on the island since Nicole was eating for two. Mission accomplished… a few times.
New Year’s Day at Bumping Lake (who names these places?) in Naches, WA with friends. You guessed it, another tradition!
New Year’s Day at Bumping Lake (who names these places?) in Naches, WA with friends. You guessed it, another tradition!
At our good friends’ wedding two days after we found out we were expecting, so we hadn’t told anyone, yet. Nicole was later caught swapping spiked seltzers for sparkling water in the wedding photos.
At our good friends’ wedding two days after we found out we were expecting, so we hadn’t told anyone, yet. Nicole was later caught swapping spiked seltzers for sparkling water in the wedding photos.
For all the days along the way
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