This is where the white wedding ceremony and reception will be. We have a room block with discounted rooms for guests interested in staying on site.
Discount Code - Booking ID# 14494 if you reserve by phone
This hotel is about 3.5 miles from the Westlake Village Inn and 0.7 miles from the Agoura Recreation Center and on the same road. Breakfast is available.
Located in the same complex as the Courtyard by Marriott, so only 3.5 miles from the Westlake Village Inn and 0.7 miles from the Agoura Recreation Center and on the same road. Daily hot breakfast is included. Rooms have full kitchens.
2.6 miles from the Westlake Village Inn and 0.3 miles from the Agoura Recreation Center. Free daily parking. Early check-in available.
0.9 miles from the Westlake Village Inn and 3.8 miles from the Agoura Recreation Center. On site restaurant and valet parking available.
2.5 miles from the Westlake Village Inn and 0.5 miles from the Agoura Recreation Center. Free hot breakfast and parking.