
Breannea & Tiffany

    The Future King-Jones

From Miss to Mrs

Tiffany Jones


Breannea King

September 30, 2023

Columbiaville, MI

B & Tiff

Hi there! We are Breannea & Tiffany, better known as B & Tiff, or as we LOVE to over-use these days… The Future King-Jones’. We will try to keep this short and sweet, but for those of you who know us, you know our love is far deeper than anything these words will say. The universe truly knew what each of us needed, at the exact moment we needed each other. From the first day we “officially”met we both knew we were meant to be in each other’s lives permanently. Odd thing is, there have been many occasions prior to our “official” meeting that we had been in the same room, or around the same people and hadn’t known. Tiff grew up in Davison, MI; and B was lucky enough to gain best friends from college from the same town; Tiff attended Siena Heights University and played softball, and B went to conference rival Concordia University where she also played softball. B is 4 years older, so as B left the game behind, Tiff came in right after, again just missing each other. There is comfort in knowing we have always been an arms distance away from our forever love. It was as if the universe was keeping us as close as possible until we were 100% ready for each other. There was an undeniable electric spark throughout the first date and beyond. We share a love that we can only wish for all of our loved ones to experience one day. From early unexpected trauma in the beginning stages of the relationship, to getting engaged in front of all of our loved ones, there is never a day we are not each other’s absolute best friends. We are happy you are here, and even happier to celebrate our beautiful lives with you all. We hope to see you September 30, to say cheers, hug a lot, and show our gratitude in the support we are constantly given.

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