21601 Diagonal Rd, Luther OK 73054
Yes, Eleven Oaks has a paved parking lot, and handicapped parking.
Please RSVP at least two months before the big day!
Amazon, Target, Walmart Amazon Registry: Brianna Bailey and Connor Tislow's Wedding Registry https://www.amazon.com/wedding/brianna-bailey-connor-tislow--november-2022/registry/23X33XJTRH5GS Walmart Registry: https://www.walmart.com/registry/WR/cc94c0df-2879-4b4d-a2b9-f321c23292ab Target Registry: https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift/tislowtobe Brianna’s Venmo is: @Brianna-Bailey-10 If you’d like to just send a cash gift! Or send cards to address listed for the shower! Thank you all so much, I know they appreciate all the love🤍