January 28, 2023
Houston, TX

Victoria & Andrew

Greenery Banner


Below you will find frequently asked questions. We have tried to include a wide range of questions and answers. If you do have a question that is not answered here, please reach out to the Maid of Honor, Angelina, at 832-664-0065.

Where is the wedding ceremony located?


The wedding ceremony will be at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham, located at: 7809 Shadyvilla Lane, Houston, Texas 77055. Please note: sometimes GPS/phone navigators will direct you to the correct church, but will send you to the wrong side. In order to access the parking lot and the main church entrance, please arrive on the Shadyvilla Lane side (north side) of the church.


What time should I arrive at the ceremony?


The Wedding will start promptly at 12 noon. In order to be respectful of the Church and the ceremony, we are asking that guests please arrive no later than 11:30am so that everyone can be seated and settled before the processions at the start of Holy Mass.


Is there a dress code?


Our wedding will be a formal event, and we are asking guests to wear formal attire, as able (coat and tie for men, equivalent for women). Additionally, our wedding ceremony is taking place within the sacred space of a Cathedral Church, during a Catholic Mass, in which we believe Christ is truly and substantially present. We are respectfully asking that all guests dress modestly. If you have any further questions about the dress code please call or text the Maid of Honor, Angelina, at 832-664-0065.


Can I receive communion at the Church?


The Catholic Church believes that Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity are really, truly, physically and substantially present in the Holy Eucharist (the Communion Bread and Wine). Only baptized Catholics, in a state of grace, may receive Holy Communion. Our protestant brothers and sisters and all other guests are welcome to approach the altar rail to receive a blessing. To do this, simply approach during the time for communion, and cross your arms over your chest, and the priest or deacon will bless you.


What is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham?


The Cathedral of our Lady of Walsingham is the Cathedral Church for the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. This is the "home church" of the entire Ordinariate in North America, and where our Bishop's "seat" is. For more info on the "Ordinariate," see the question below.


What is the "Ordinariate"?


The Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter (POCSP), or simply "The Ordinariate" (and sometimes commonly referred to as the "Anglican Ordinariate") is similar to a Diocese within the Roman Catholic Church. There are three Personal Ordinariates (One for all of North America (the POCSP), one for Great Britain, and one for Australia) that were established by Pope Benedict XVI with the Apostolic Constitution "Anglicanorum Coetibus." This apostolic constitution asked the Ordinariates to maintain “elements of their [Anglican] liturgical, spiritual and pastoral traditions” as a “treasure to be shared” with the wider Catholic Church. The Ordinariates provide a legal avenue for former protestants, especially those with Anglican, Episcopalian, Methodist and other backgrounds, to join the Roman Catholic Church, either as individuals or as groups, and retain much their Anglican patrimony and culture, and share that patrimony with the wider Church. The Ordinariates are the fruit of decades of ecumenical work and dialogue between Anglicans/Episcopalians and the Roman Catholic Church, and brings us closer to Christ's prayer that we would all be One. The Members, priests and parishes of the Ordinariates are fully and completely Catholic, and are in union with the Bishop of Rome (Currently Pope Francis). All Catholics are welcome to participate in the Holy Sacraments that are celebrated within the Ordinariates. For more information about the Ordinariate, please visit https://ordinariate.net/documents/2018/2/180206_What_is_OCSP.pdf


What is "Divine Worship"?


"Divine Worship" is the form of Holy Mass used within the Ordinariates. Catholics, and anyone familiar with Catholic Liturgy, will recognize much of the order and form, but there are some unique differences. "Divine Worship" has many elements from the Anglican Patrimony and the Book of Common Prayer, including the use of "Elizabethan" or "prayer-book" English, and some prayers and customs that are unique to the Anglican Heritage. The Divine Worship form of Holy Mass is fully Catholic and has been approved and promulgated by the Pope. For more FAQs and information on "Divine Worship" and the liturgical practices of the Ordinariates, visit https://ordinariate.net/documents/2015/10/151027_DW_FAQs.pdf


I am Catholic, when and where is there Confession available?


Our Lady of Walsingham will be offering time for Reconciliation (Confession) on Friday, January 27th from 1:45pm - 2:45pm inside the Church for us and for our guests. If that time does not work for you, there are also several Catholic Churches in the area that offer Confession times that might fit your schedule before and after the wedding. Just a few options include the nearby Churches of St. John Vianney Catholic Church on Saturdays at 10am, St. Bartholomew Catholic Church on Saturdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm, St. Cecilia's Catholic Church on Saturdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm, and at St. Jerome's Catholic Church on Saturdays from 3:30pm-5pm. Confession is also available at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham on Sundays from 8:45am - 9:15am.


Are children welcome?


Yes! Children are more than welcome to come. We just ask that they be included in the RSVP count.


Is there parking for the ceremony or reception?


There is plenty of parking in the church parking lot. The parking lot can be accessed off of Shadyvilla Lane. There is a large parking lot in front of the Pelazzio Reception venue as well.


When does the reception start?


The reception begins at 2pm, immediately following the conclusion of the Wedding Ceremony.


Where will the wedding reception be located?


The wedding reception will be located at the Pelazzio Reception Venue, at 12121 Westheimer Rd. Unit 127, Houston, TX 77077.


Is there transportation provided to and from the hotel, church and reception venue?


Transportation is not provided to and from the Church and reception location. However, the Church and the reception location are only 20 minutes apart.


Will food be provided at the Reception?


Yes. We will have a buffet dinner at the reception, along with some snacks and an open bar.


What will the reception entail?


The reception will include dinner, cake cutting, traditional toasts and speeches, as well as an open bar and plenty of dancing for all to enjoy.


Are there any other events that I should know about around the wedding?


If you will be in town early on Friday, January 27th, we would like to invite you to attend the Daily Divine Worship (Daily Mass) at 12 noon at the Cathedral. If you will still be in town on Sunday, January 29th, we would like to invite you to attend Sunday morning Divine Worship (Holy Mass), back at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham. The Sunday morning times are 8am Sung Mass, 9:30am Sung Mass, and 11:15am Solemn Mass. The exact time that we will be attending is TBD.


What is "Adoration"


Adoration is a time set aside to pray before the physical presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to adore him in the Holy Mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion). We believe that the communion bread and wine, when consecrated by the priest, becomes the true, physical, substantial Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Incarnate God, the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Only the appearance of bread and wine remain. This is one of the ways that Christ fulfills his promise to be with us "unto the end of the age." As such, Adoration allows us to physically spend time with, and pray to, our Risen Lord, here and now.

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