It was just another long Sunday when Lucas had to work and thats when he decided, a nice steak with a beer would make the day better. Little did he know, he would meet the love of his life. Impatiently waiting for his dinner and beer to arrive, the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on walked in and lit up the room. You could say he was just excited to receive his meal but love will tell you that the story doesn't end there. After a corny joke and an electric smile (from her), you couldn't predict this love story. From a couple wild trips through the heart of our country to a glorifying experience falling from a chariot in the sky, this love has continued to soar. It isn't just about the adventures, it's about the faith and love that has been provided to them through God and their loving families. As these two continue to embark on a journey filled with valleys and peaks, rain and sunshine, they will forever enjoy it. Forever embrace what is yet to come. Forever live with faith and love. For these two the story isn't written, it has only just begun....