Directions & Parking
![The Wedding Website of Audrey Bowman and Weston Marvin](
Directions to 4234 Quigley Road:
- From HWY17 S, prior to Ravenel, SC, there is a directional sign to Hollywood/Edisto. Make a left at the light after the sign. This is SC162 W.
- Continue 6.7 miles to 2nd red light after HWY 17. Make a left on to SC 165 S.
- Continue 1.3 miles to fork and veer left on to Wilson Road.
- Continue 2.5 miles to a slight bend in the road which now is Quigley Road.
- Destination is on your left.
Please be aware of your speed when traveling off HWY17 as there are pockets that are 35mph or less.
Plenty of parking is available on-site at the venue.
Vehicles may remain overnight for a Sunday pickup.