September 9 2019 was the best day of my life and I didn't even know it. That was the day I met my best friend. Although I didn't introduce myself and avoided eye contact because I was nervous we briefly met. We started working together at the car wash and quickly became friends. I fell for him hard and fast. We became super close friends very quickly and soon we were hanging out outside of work. In December we went on our first date. But this wouldn't last long because in February 2020 he went to Peru to serve a mission. 3 months of living in Peru and having just finished the MTC training Davis had to come home due to the Corona Virus. I was nervous we would be like strangers but we clicked instantly, it was like he had never left. Then on July 4th we started dating. But a little over a month later Davis left to finish his mission in Ohio. Unfortunately due to personal things Davis had to come home. So on October 31 2020 Davis was home for good, but it wouldn't be until the beginning of December we would actually hang out again, however we were talking the whole time. Then finally on December 7 we started dating again and have been dating since. We've been through thick and thin, we've seen each other at out highest highs and lowest lows but we've stuck by each other since and we will for the rest of forever. <3