Once upon a time, in the vibrant world of college, two young souls named Ashley and Brookes embarked on a journey of love that would shape their lives forever. Their story began with friendship woven by mutual connections. Ashley caught the attention of Brookes from the first moment he laid eyes on her. It was through the whispers of mutual friends that Ashley discovered Brookes' secret crush on her. She felt flattered but didn't address it until the following year, when they finally confronted the unspoken attraction and explored the possibility of something more. One year later, the stars aligned as Ashley entered her junior year. Brookes, now a college senior, approached Ashley with subtle gestures and kind words. Ashley, knowing of the secret crush, took the initiative to reach out for the first time via text, using the pretext of discussing the latest Taylor Swift album, knowing that Brookes shared her appreciation for the artist. #Swifties Months of playful banter and shared coffee dates ensued, with Brookes pretending to enjoy Starbucks just to spend more time with Ashley. Giddily, Ashley made phone calls home to her family in Nashville to tell of the cute, intelligent, and sweet boy she had become so fond of in recent months, making sure to mention to her father, "he even opens my car door- chivalry does still exist!" As their connection deepened, Brookes summoned the courage to invite Ashley on a more serious date. After a delightful dinner, he surprised her with a carefully hidden gift—the Taylor Swift "Lover" album, complete with a heartfelt question written in the journal included with the CD. *see photo below* Overjoyed, Ashley accepted Brookes' request to be his girlfriend, setting the stage for a beautiful journey ahead. The couple then navigated the challenges of a year-long long-distance relationship, staying connected through tearful FaceTime calls and surprise visits. Brookes, now graduated and working as a data analyst for Amazon in Nashville, patiently waited for the day they could be reunited. Finally, Ashley graduated nursing school and landed her dream job of working as a registered nurse in adult critical care. She was now reunited with Brookes in her favorite city. They then began facing the intricacies of adulting together, from juggling demanding careers, to learning how to support each other during the highs and lows. Brookes’ love and support during Ashley's late mother's difficult battle with cancer deepened their love for each other as they began to more fully understand the meaning of the vows, ‘in good times and in bad…in sickness and in health.’ Fast forward to four years since the first date, on a trip to visit Ashley's family on the gulf coast, Brookes decided to make their alma mater the canvas for the next chapter of their love story. With meticulous planning and her father's blessing, Brookes proposed on the Avenue of The Oaks, where they once walked hand in hand as college sweethearts. Ashley, taken by surprise, said yes without hesitation. The engagement ring, a precious heirloom from Brookes' maternal great-grandmother Jean, symbolized the merging of their past and future. As they looked toward the horizon, the couple reflected on the incredible journey that began with a crush, blossomed into a deep love, and now, promised a lifetime of everlasting commitment. We hope you all enjoyed our love story, and we cannot wait to celebrate with you all!